Completed comprehensive techmological upgrading in Yixin Mining Thailand, achieved breakthrough growth in Fluorspar Lump supply
Completed comprehensive techmological upgrading in Yixin Mining Thailand, achieved breakthrough growth in Fluorspar Lump supply
Invested Green Efficiency Mining(Myanmar)
Invested and became ARES Strategic Mining (Canadian company and ventures traded in Toronto, Mining projects are located in USA and Canada)biggest shareholder
Invested in Dihao investment (Lao mining);Invested in Bunnan mining and Bright Biz Mining(Thailand); Revenue increased to 60million dollars
Invested in Yixin mining(Thailand) , setted up warehouses in Shangdong and Henan. Revenue increased to 40million dollars
Invested in Delong mining for flotation plant; Revenue increased to 30million dollars
Annual revenue increased to 20 million dollars
Setted up 2 warehouses in Jiangsu and Anhui; Annual revenue increased to 10million dollars
Started domestic trading for fluoride minerals; Invested drier plant in Jiangsu Province
Started domestic trading for fluoride minerals; Invested drier plant in Jiangsu Province